Friday, April 23, 2010

Windows Mail

One of the good things that Windows users would come across after upgrading the Operating System to Windows Vista is that the Outlook Express has been replaced by Windows Mail. The users won’t have to experience the trouble of Microsoft Outlook anymore and instead they can see a fresh and clean look of Windows Mail. There are a lot of advantages of Windows Mail over the Outlook. Windows mail features enable the users to have a Windows mail client which is more secured and functions properly. Let us discuss some of the new and exciting features of Windows mail.


Removing Microsoft Updates in Windows

Microsoft release updates for Windows every fortnight. It is possible that you might encounter some problems immediately after the Microsoft patch is installed on your system. Therefore you may want to remove the patch and stop the system from installing any further updates automatically. Though, it is always recommended to keep the Windows updates from Microsoft, but you can still remove them if desired.


Computer Viruses: The Introduction

An introduction to viruses and what to do when infected

Many people’s computers have been affected with computer viruses over many years. People always panic at the name of the virus, they need to know that a virus is just another program (of course they do harm, and are intended to do harm to your computer) and they can be removed just like any other program that is installed on your computer.


Basic Information about Computer Worms

A worm is completely different from a virus or a Trojan horse, worms usually spread thought network and they need a host in order to spread themselves over the network. On the other hand viruses attach themselves to the host program to spread themselves, worms act a little differently. Worms send copies of themselves to other nodes on the network and they are not associated with one user computer systems typically.


Basic Info on Trojans

What exactly are Trojans and what they do to your computer!

Trojan horses are usually created by people on specific purposes, because they want the other people actions to benefit them, the Trojan horses try to modify the original action of the user and perform something entirely different and which is not what the user originally intended to do.


The Success of Macro Viruses- why they spread quickly

The reason why macro viruses are so successful!

The macro viruses have a very efficient means to spread themselves that is the reason why they are very successful. There are so many users that are sharing documents and other data on the internet that is are software that uses macro coding. The macro viruses just embed the macro code into the document and attempt to corrupt the document when they are opened by the software program.


What is macro virus

Basic introduction to what macro viruses are, and what they do to your computer when infected.

Macro viruses aim at infecting specific programs that are written in macro language coding. Macro language is a language that is written and built into a software program in order to execute some code that aids for the output as soon as the program is run.


Common Problem with Hard Drives

Problem with hard drives often arise from time to time, so you need to be aware of them and basic troubleshooting. Hence, you can avoid serious problems and ensure that you can enjoy using your computer free off any error.

The most basic and common problem with hard drives is when your computer is unable to read the hard drive. When this happens, you must shut down your PC and remove all cables. Then, open the computer case to see if there is some fixing required for the internal cables. You need to be patient and careful when handling this problem since managing the hard drive cables is a bit tricky.


Viruses on Different Platforms

Most of the viruses are written for windows operating systems in general, that is because of its popularity and the large user base that windows has. Also we can notice that many viruses are written of DOS environment. And some viruses like the boot sector virus, are capable of attacking multiple platforms and they do not attack a specific operating system in general.


Harm Done by Viruses When They Activate

There are many kinds of viruses, and there is a common feeling among the people who use the internet that every virus causes damage to the data on the computer, but the truth is that not all viruses aim to damage your computer. Some viruses just aim on spreading on as many computers as possible.

When they are spread they do not activate at all. And some viruses are created by people who what your actions to be modified or do something without your permissions. For example, when you open a website you might be redirected to another website whose content might not be suitable to you.


Signs of Viruses in a Computer

We just tend to think that there is a virus on our computer when it behaves strangely, when we can’t explain the behavior of something we say that it might have been caused by a virus. The truth is that even installed programs can be responsible for strange behavior and we mistake them for virus, when we run an anti virus program we can observe that they was no virus found.

Taking Appropriate Action against computer Viruses

What to do and what not to do when a computer is affected by viruses

When a virus is found on a computer, users will normal take extreme steps like formatting the infected computer, but that might not be the cure, it will only harm the data present in the computer which is not required at all. One thing you have to ensure is the back up your data regularly, if it’s not possible for you call your system administrator.


Stay Protected From Viruses

Learn the ways to stay protected from viruses

There are many tips that you can follow to stay protected from computer viruses. You can find many anti virus program that offer you protection from viruses; you can just invest your money on the one that you can update daily (or frequently) so that they offer protection even from the newest viruses.


Unmountable Boot volume Error or Blue Screen Error

What the normal user thinks about Unmountable Boot volume Error or Blue Screen Error
is that it is caused ‘suddenly’ when everything was working fine. The users see the blue screen error saying something that they don’t understand, and this incident is very frustrating as they know absolutely nothing about it.


Fixing the Unmountable Boot Volume Error (Blue Screen Error Codes)

If you have spotted that this error was caused because of a corrupted driver or when you have updated driver or installed some new software, you can understand you need to roll back the changes. You need to un-install the software and best if you backup the system to an earlier state. If you still see this error and the problem is not solved by rolling back the changes you need to contact the manufacturer or visit the site of the manufacturer and obtain the latest copy of the updated driver.

Periodical cleaning of registry by a expert computer repair technician will protect your computer from unmountable boot error

As the overloading or overly messing the registry can cause many other problems apart from blue screen error which is quite common, you need to have some protection so that every program does not mess with the registry entries. Registry entries are often damaged by spyware, viruses and Trojan horses you must be careful while browsing the internet and have some protection like a good anti virus program and the firewall of the system must be turned on always.


Why You Need A Computer Repair Company For Registry Cleaning

While there are registry cleaners available for purchase nowadays, it is best to leave the registry cleaning job to a computer repair company. This will enable them to identify errors on your PC and be corrected right away. When left undiscovered, these errors could develop and expand until it starts to affect other components of your computer.


Why you need registry cleaning for your computer

Your Windows registry is a very important part of your PC since it serves as repository for all critical information on your computer. And for this reason, it can quickly become cluttered and result to a host of problems such as slowing down of your PC. If you dismiss this and refuse to perform registry cleaning, then you could encounter more problems in the long run or your PC could crash. Even sometime malicious spyware or malware enter into registry and track about your all valuable in formation. Even this kind of program can hack your credit card information.

Windows 7 Automatic Shut Down

There is one common strange problem that users of the Windows 7 Operating System often encounter. You have probably noticed that Windows 7 would shut down on its own and restart. No need to worry because a lot of users of the same operating system have went through this same problem. But this problem has been quite prevalent as of late, which is even observed in other Windows version, although more common on the Windows 7. But how can you fix this?


How to come out from window’s auto shut down problem

Beginners who are not technically savvy might find it difficult to diagnose and understand this problem. Some might even be completely clueless on where they should start the investigation. All they might be aware of is that a blue screen, also known as BSOD or Blue Screen of Death, appears right before the computer shuts itself and restart on its own.


Preventive measures to deal with Windows 7 auto shut down problem

To prevent future cases of windows 7 automatic shutdown problem, it is important to conduct diagnosis right away to prevent the problem from becoming more serious. As soon as you encounter an error, take note of it and report it to the appropriate personnel or directly to Microsoft in order to be properly guided on what you should do to fix the problem. And even if you did not encounter errors, take the time to check the problem regularly in order to avoid future problems and errors on the system. Regularly update you drivers and BIOS for the Windows 7 operating system, upgrade memory, and change the power supply, among all other maintenance work to ensure smooth operation.

How to judge a right computer repair company

In your city you may find number of computer repair companies. Some of them are big name shop. So how you would select which one is right for you?
You might even have to conduct your own extensive research and asking yourself the following questions:
1) What is the general customer feedback on the company?
2) How many years have this particular computer repair company been in operation?
3) How skilled are there repair technicians?
4) Do they have lots of customers?

Find a Right Local Computer Repair Company

Searching for the best local computer repair company is easier said than done, this is despite the number of choices available. If you cannot fix it yourself and you have difficulty choosing from online computer repair shops, then local is your best way to go. But how can you find them?
You can perform a local Google search or other local search engines on local repair companies. You need to be very specific when conducting your search to generate accurate results. Some of the recommended keywords that you can use for best results would be like Manchester computer repair, if you are resident of Manchester or computer repair Miramar among others.

Benefits of Local computer Repair Company

Lots of computer related problems are discussed in this blog but this is for all who are aware of where abouts computer. If you are novice then i will suggest you to contact local computer repair company.
If you encounter any problems or errors on your computer, you usually turn to a local computer repair company to come to your rescue. Most home users depend on local shops to do their computer repair jobs, regardless of the problem. In fact, most of the skilled technicians are based on local repair shops as compared to big corporations and repair shops.


Blue screen of death

Noticing a blue screen of death on the computer screen in terribly awful, though there is the option of safe mode in the windows to resolve this sticky situation but it is too slow. However the safe mode in the windows helps fixing the problems.
Follow the step to get an easy access to your fix the blue screen of death–
1. Reboot your computer. If you there is a problem in normal restart then, then hold the power button for some seconds and then your system will reboot.
2. Keep pressing the F8 key constantly on your keyboard as the hard drive mounts remember to do it before windows starts loading. If you fail to do so. Try it again.

Know whether your PC is infected from malware or spyware

Internet undoubtedly is the boon in the IT industry but along with immense plus points it also brings problems like the spyware and malware. Spyware and malware are destructive tools that automatically get installed in your PC and hack your personal information and browsing tendencies.
Go through the following steps to know whether your computer is hacked by these online monsters —
1. Keep an eye on the number of pop-ups. If you notice increased number of pop-ups, get alarmed it may be due to the spyware or malware.
2. Any bizarre browser toolbar on your screen that you haven’t installed might be an indication of malware.

Disable Ad-Hoc Networking

Why you need to Disable Ad-Hoc Networking? What is Ad-Hoc Networking in the first place?

One major concern when using a wireless network is its security, when you are connected with a wireless network using a wireless router you need to be a bit careful to stay protected from the bad guys.

Ad-Hoc networking is a bit risky as it allows you to connect from one computer to another without the use of the router itself, therefore it is not a secure way and hackers and intruders can easily gain access to your system without your knowledge and do the damage.


VPN (Virtual Private Network) Uses

What is VPN and why it should be used…

Many people don’t know the power of a virtual private network, many tasks that take time can be performed easily by using a virtual private network connection.

If you want to perform tasks that are secure by tunneling thorough the internet connection virtual private connection is the way to go. Normally by using a vpn you are more secure than a normal connection, the data that is being transferred in the vpn is not visible to others as it connects securely.

How to Install a VPN

How to install and use a virtual private network on the windows operating system (windows xp)…

If you are use the windows operating system there is a program that is already built in that you can use to connect remotely to other computer. The program is called ‘remote desktop’ and it can be found by going to the start menu and then by navigating to the accessories and then to the communication menu. There you can find a program labeled ‘remote desktop connection’ click on that to connect to the other person securely.


Basic things that you require to setup a gaming party over your Local Area Network!!

Everyone is exited when they here gaming or LAN parties. So here are some requirements that you need when setting up a LAN party.

First thing you need is high configuration server so that the gaming is run very smoothly and everyone gets the most out of the lan party, and the next thing is a high speed internet connection if you play games on the internet. And the next thing after having the right equipment is that you have to have a few games and keep in mind that each computer must have its own serial number that means that each user should purchase the game.


Router Static IP Address Configuration

How to configure your wireless network with a static ip address…

It is very important to configure your wireless network adapter correctly otherwise they can result in connectivity problems within the LAN and also you can face connectivity problems while connecting the internet, especially when you are sharing the internet connection over your LAN.

In the windows, open the ‘network connections’ folder. Next thing you need to do is to right click on the network connection and go to its properties. Then highlight the option ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ and the click the properties button that is available at the bottom.


Renewing IP Address

Lean how to renew the ip address of your router when it is needed.
According to Vallejo computer repair and Gainesville computer repair, Your router might occasionally need rebooting to renew its ip address that is provided by the ISP that you have subscribed to. Generally the ISP gives you an external IP address that you configure your router with in order to connect to the internet, this address expires after the lease period set by your ISP is over (default is 8 days) in that case you need to renew it to connect to the internet again.

Wireless Network Security

How to secure your wireless network from being intruded by unwanted users or hackers…

There are a few very basic steps like changing the router’s default password and disabling the SSID broadcast that you should first do. After you disable broadcasting then your network is not visible to all unwanted wireless machines or devices, so that you can stay safe.


Steps To Secure a Wireless Network

Basic steps to secure a wireless network that you use in your homes and businesses…

These days the speed of the wireless networks is very good, it is as good as the wired network; so many people prefer to use wifi networks over the traditional wired ones due to the ease of use. But with the wireless network one problem that comes to front is the security.


Computer Visibility Problem in a Network

What to do when the other computer is not visible in a network.

Networking computer provides you with the option to share files and transfer important information, and share the resources like printers and the internet. But if the other computer is not visible in your network then it causes trouble and frustration to the people.


Significance Of Remote Assistance

What you can do once you are connected to other user with remote assistance…

Once you send a remote assistance support ticket then if the other person accepts it, then the other person will have access to your computer, he can use your mouse and see your desktop to access your computer, but you also have to option to terminate the session any time by clicking on the stop button, because you are the host.


Windows XP: Using Remote Assistance

A guide on using the remote assistance in windows xp

If you are using windows xp then you have the ability to connect to a remote host computer using the remote assistance that comes with the operating system.

If you have any trouble with your computer you can ask the other users (or administrator) to solve your problem by sending a remote assistance request, it is an easy way to connect to the correct person without needing to worry about filling out lots of information like the ip addresses etc.


Want to change the security settings in your Compaq Presario

The files, programs and emails in our computer contain private information. The Compaq Presario is outfitted with a security system which includes the knack to password protect your PC. It doesn’t let an interloper to log into your Compaq Presario. You can modify the security settings by modifying the configuration. Follow the steps–

1. Restart your PC by clicking “STARTTURN OFFRESTART.
2. Press the key “F10″ while the computer is starting up. Press it before the Windows loads. The “Setup Utility” will appear.
3. Use arrow key to find the “Security Menu.”


Block the CID pop-ups

CID pop-ups are unwanted ads that come on Internet Explorer. They are pre installed by Windows Live Messenger Plus and come on view after every few minutes. Tag along the following steps to block these—
1. Click “Start”  “Control Panel.”
2. Click “Add or Remove Programs” twice to have a list of programs.
3. Scroll down and click “Bit download.” Now uninstall by clicking remove/uninstall. Repeat this step for the following programs: Bitgrabber, Bitroll, Browser Enhancer, CiD Help, CiD Manager,”, LOP SEARCH, Download Plugin for Internet Explorer.

When USB Stops Functioning

You may have experienced a couple of times when you connect your USB drive to the computer, a warning message pops up saying that the device may not function properly. You can come across situations where your USB device may not work properly. So what do you do? You can try a couple of things to resolve the problem.


When USB device is not recognized

At times, if you plug in your USB device and still you don’t see it connected to the system, then you should ensure that the USB device is switched on and is properly plugged in to the computer. In case of having multiple USB ports, try to plug in the USB device in a port which you know is in a working condition. If the device works in the other port then probably the USB hub is not functioning properly. You can go to the Device Manager and try to uninstall the hub. After rebooting the machine, Windows will automatically look for the necessary drivers and install them to enable the USB hub on your system.

When USB devices are not functioning

In cases where you are able to connect the device via USB successfully but the device goes off after sometime then you will have to check for the power management for that hub and make the necessary changes. You can follow a simple procedure. Go to My Computer Properties and browse through Hardware and select Device Manager. Go to the USB root hubs listed down at the bottom, right click on each USB hub, select Properties, and then uncheck the option to allow the computer to switch off the device under Power Management. If you continue to face issues with the USB device you can try an alternative to connect the USB device to your computer via USB cards rather than using the USB controller of the motherboard

Computer is completely dead

If your computer does not turn on at all then the problem might be with the power supply, with the motherboard or CPU or with the case switch. You should disconnect all the external peripherals like the speakers, printers etc. You can try plugging your computer directly to the main switch rather than connecting through the power strip in case if the power strip has failed. If the computer still does not turn on then check for power supply if your system is receiving enough voltage to switch on the motherboard. If the power supply is working, then you can try to bypass the case switch. If the motherboard still does not receive any power then you can check the motherboard for possible damage to the capacitors. The capacitors are probably blown up if they appear to leak some fluid.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Computer having a Blank Screen

When you start your computer, if you can see the lights flashing on the panel and the hard drive is making the churning sounds but still a blank screen is displayed on the monitor then you can encounter several problems. First, you need to ensure that the monitor cable is connected properly to the CPU and that the power for the monitor is switched on. You can even try connecting the monitor to another working CPU to make sure the monitor is good and in a working condition. After that, you need to check for the initial startup screen where the system checks for the memory and displays the information related to BIOS.

Reasons behind a Computer not booting

There are a number of reasons or rather situations when a computer will not boot. Some of the situations when you may come across such a problem are when you see a blue screen or a blank screen on the monitor or a situation where your computer falls into an unending loop of restarting over and over again. There may be a number of reasons behind each of these situations. Though, the process of troubleshooting such a dead computer may be slow but each of the situations can be tackled to get to the root cause of the problem quickly.

How to resolve your frozen computer

Many times while operating our computers or surfing internet we face an unexpected freeze, applications or program does not respond such as EXCEL or MSWORD. If you want to resolve this problem just follow these simple steps on your Windows XP machine–

1. First of all restart your computer
2. Now press the key F8 but remember that you have to press this key before the system starts.
3. As you press F8 you will notice Windows diagnostic screen.


What to do when the safe mode is not working

You cannot run all the programs in the safe Mode on Windows XP. This mode is generally used to fix the errors when the system freezes and is not workable. When the computer system freezes you cannot go to the safe mode directly. You have to follow the below mentioned steps to enter the safe mode–
1. Shut down the computer and let it rest for a few minutes. Immediate turning on of the computer can actually harm the system.
2. Restart by pressing the “Power” button.

Block the pop-ups

The pop up Windows are something which annoys the internet users awfully. These pop ups are unwanted promotional messages from Windows Messenger Service, installed on Windows 2000 ,XP, and NT computers by default. However you can block these pop ups from your Windows 2000, XP, or NT computer by following these steps—
1. “Start”  “Control Panel” Click “Administrative Tools,”  “Services” for Windows XP Professional. In Windows XP Home, Control Panel Performance and MaintenanceAdministrative Tools.

Get your system restored

Windows XP Professional may be unworkable for several reasons such as application conflicts, user error, and malicious viruses’ code attacks. In case of any such error you can’t even close your windows. However there are still some ways out to fix problems in Windows XP Professional by rebooting the system into safe mode.
1. First of all turn your computer off and restart it pressing the key F8. The point to be kept in mind is that you have to press F8 before Windows start loading.
2. The computer will start rebooting; select the safe mode by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Now press the “Enter” key.

Newly installed DVD driver not detected by System

Where to look when a newly installed dvd drive in not detected by your operating system.

We sometimes find that when a dvd drive is newly installed it may not be detected. by your operating system, this might be a very simple problem to solve and you don’t need to worry that your dvd drive is faulty yet.

First you need to check if your dvd drive is detected in your BIOS, to do that you need to restart your computer and press the key that is specified by your computer manufacturer, mostly it is F2 or Delete Keys but depending on the computer they can also be F1, F10 or Esc keys you can check the manual that you got for it


Troubleshoot DVD Drive New Install

What to do when the dvd drive causes trouble on new install.

According to Syracuse computer repair
DVD drives can cause some problems occasionally, when a dvd drive is newly installed on a computer then they tend to cause some problems, sometimes they are not detected by your computer or operating system if they are not install properly, when the problem comes go though the manual once so that you check that you have not done any wrong while installing.


Physical Defects on Motherboard

A short guide on looking for any physical defects that can be spotted on the motherboards…

Motherboard can often have many problems, and the problems can be often tricky and difficult to spot. But when you are trying to spot
Chances are that you might spot physical defects on your motherboard; these defects might have been cause in the long run most of the time.


Motherboard Defect? Look for External Defective Devices First

As per Hayward computer repair and Hollywood computer repair if you found your motherboard defective then first thing you need to do is to look for externally connected devices that are defective before looking for motherboard defects.

You can the components connected to motherboard that are defective; we have to start the elimination process. In this process, first we have to start by removing all the components that are connected to motherboard, for example, modems, PCI cards, Sound Cards, Graphic Cards, USB devices and NIC cards (LAN cards) that are connected to the motherboard. Most probably you can find that the defect is not with the motherboard but it is with one of these components that are connected that is causing the problem.


Troubleshooting Motherboard: General Steps

What to do when you decide to troubleshoot your motherboard.

In computers motherboard is the most important component as it connects to all other components. So, one can understand that it is very difficult to troubleshoot motherboard when compared to that of any other component on the computer.

First and the basic things to do when you start to troubleshoot your computer’s motherboard are to only connect those devices that are absolutely essential for the starting up of the computer. This is important because most of the time you might find that you are fortunate enough to find that the trouble is with some external component and not with the motherboard.


Troubleshooting Motherboard’s Power Issues

When you start to troubleshoot your computer’s motherboard, you can notice that you can come across many problems as it is a complicated process, and firstly you need to eliminate the components that don’t need to be plugged.

Then if you find that your motherboard is not powering up on starting it, firstly you need to eliminate the power supply by unplugging it from the motherboard socket. And the next thing to do is to get a good multimeter or a good device to test stand alone power supplies (many can be found very cheaply)


Windows Does Not Start? Scan Memory

Scanning memory to solve the startup problems in windows…

In windows vista there is a built in utility that can be used to diagnose memory, this utility actually scan your system memory multiple times and checks if there are any read or write errors present in it, and attempts to remove them.

In windows vista (or later) you can go to the memory diagnostic utility, form the control panel and then from there go to the administrative tools. In the administrative tools you can locate the memory diagnostic tool.


Windows Frequent Startup Problems? Run Chkdsk

How to run chkdsk when windows has frequent startup problems…

When you experience that you windows computer has trouble frequently when starting up, then you must follow this step as it can solve most of the startup problems.

First thing you do is to try to get windows into safe mode, and then the next step is to go to my computer and then right click on my computer and then go to properties from the right click menu. Then you can notice that under the tools tab you will find that there is an option that checks the disk for errors. Check all your drives for errors; sometimes system requires a restart before checking.


DVD Drive Not Reading Disk

What to do if your dvd drive is not able to read and write to dvd or cd discs.

Firstly is your DVD drive detected? If it is not detected then check if your hardware is detected in bios and if the hardware is right.

Next Check if your medium (the CD or DVD itself) is in good condition, if the disc is in scratched or damaged condition or the disc is infected with debris then chances are that there is a permanent data loss and the drive may not be able to detect the disc.


Windows Not Detecting DVD Drive

How to deal with the problem when a DVD drive is not detected by Windows operating system?

First whenever a dvd drive is not detected by windows you have to check if something went wrong, and turn off the computer and check if can detect some loose connection. Often time the molex power connectors are the problem, they just cause some loose connection problems, try tightening or swapping the Molex power connectors.


How to explain Software Problem to your Computer repair technician

Explaining hardware problem is not a hard task because you can explain it in more clear way. However, software problem is more difficult and requires a skilled technician to look into. These problems include slow computer, blue screen error, automatic shut down and restart, and freezing of certain programs. For an example there are numbers of reason behind blue screen death.

When calling your technician for help, you must therefore lay down all of the symptoms of the problem that you have noted. Then, indicate to them possible triggers or causes to the problem, such that they can make a more precise diagnosis. If you have software related problem I would suggest you to look for some experienced computer repair technician. Better if you look for a computer repair shop because they have experts for each type of problem


How to explain hardware problem to computer technician

When you encounter problems or errors in your computer that you cannot fix, most people call their computer repair technician to do the fixing for them. However, your technician would begin by asking you about what problem your computer has before they can help you out. It is also important so you can better understand the recommendations that your technician would give you.
There are two types of problems for your computer: software and hardware. Computer hardware problem is more noticeable such as failure in monitor, fan that would not function, or cleaning of the internal cable. In most cases, you can do the fixing on your own but with a technician giving you out instructions.

DVD Drive Not able to write to Disc

What to do when the dvd drive is not able to write to cd or dvd disc.

First of all try cleaning the lens with a drive cleaner, these can be found on local computer stores normally. Then check if your dvd drive has restrictions about some medium, some drive do not write to certain medium, the best option is to try writing to a different company disc and see if you were successful.


Windows Has Startup Problems?

What to do when windows frequently troubles you while starting up…

When you find that windows is frequently giving you trouble while starting up, like you need start it multiple times due to some unknown problem, you have to understand that there might be a good chance that the trouble is caused by some software that is not starting properly on windows startup.

A good way to solve this problem is by preventing these programs that crash on the startup, to load on the startup. By doing so you can experience that you have solved both startup problems and also your startup is faster many times. So, keep in mind that you have to only load those programs that are most needed when the system starts.


Windows Does Not Start Up? Try Safe Mode.

A guide on what to do when windows does not starts after restarting your computer.

Sometimes the users who use the operating system windows experience that it does not start properly after restarting the computer. There are many ways that you can use to help diagnose the problem, the problem can be very complicated or very small we never know unless we diagnose it.


How to Install Printer Server to Network

First of all you have to download printer driver on the computers, you want share with your printer.
Next access the IP address of printer server. Each model comes with a manual where it was explained how to assign IP address.
Then click start, select “settings” and then “printer and faxes”
Go to add printer. Click “Local Printer Attached to This Printer” and remove check from the “Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer” option.

Benefits of standalone printer server

Installing printer server to your network is not a hard task. If you have knowledge about computer hardware then you can easily install it and can get access of it from any corner of your house. However, if you have very little knowledge about computer then you need computer repair technician’s help. Almost all recently developed printer available in market has printer server integrated within it. If you don’t have that one then you can buy a router in which printer server is integrated within it. It is not advisable because almost all users have router. Buying a new router with built-in printer server will be extra burden on them from financial aspect and installing printer near router is not a convenient if you want to share your printer with other pc. So the best choice is to invest money for buying standalone printer server.

Freezing screen of computers

Freezing screen is one of the most irritating problems. Suppose, your are working on some important projects and suddenly computer stop responding, what will be your reaction? Answer will be definitely a negative one. The causes behind freezing screen can be complicated or simple. Sometime due to virus infection it occurs. So scanning with updated and good antivirus may help you to get out of this problem.

Some time you need extra memory, in that case you have to add additional RAM to your system. If there is no virus or malware detected or if they are found and fixed, but still your system freezes, then you need to check memory and hard drive. In any of these cases, it will be suggested to take help of a computer technician. They will diagnose it in better way and fixed it.


How to Select A local Computer Repair Company

How to select a local computer repair company?
Is your laptop running slow or some annoying pop ups come out now then. Scan your computer with latest version of antivirus you have installed in your computer. But, if you found that the problem is still there, then its time to call a computer repair company. You may consider a local computer repair company who can provide you onsite service. They send out technician at your door step. In this way your time will be saved.
Before hiring a computer repair company you need to consider following things.


How registry cleaning helps your computer

Registry cleaning has many benefits. It helps to ward off malwares, spywares and other security threats from your computer. But registry cleaning is not an easy task. this is an advanced step and solves many problems most of the time. But you need to be careful while doing this step. Just search google for registry cleaning software and you will find many. Download some good software and perform a registry scan, and fix the errors in registry. And then reboot your computer and you are done!


Windows Does Not Start Up? Try Safe Mode.

A guide on what to do when windows does not starts after restarting your computer.

Sometimes the users who use the operating system windows experience that it does not start properly after restarting the computer. There are many ways that you can use to help diagnose the problem, the problem can be very complicated or very small we never know unless we diagnose it.


How to Install Printer Server to Network

First of all you have to download printer driver on the computers, you want share with your printer.
Next access the IP address of printer server. Each model comes with a manual where it was explained how to assign IP address.
Then click start, select “settings” and then “printer and faxes”
Go to add printer. Click “Local Printer Attached to This Printer” and remove check from the “Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer” option.

Benefits of standalone printer server

Installing printer server to your network is not a hard task. If you have knowledge about computer hardware then you can easily install it and can get access of it from any corner of your house. However, if you have very little knowledge about computer then you need computer repair technician’s help. Almost all recently developed printer available in market has printer server integrated within it. If you don’t have that one then you can buy a router in which printer server is integrated within it. It is not advisable because almost all users have router. Buying a new router with built-in printer server will be extra burden on them from financial aspect and installing printer near router is not a convenient if you want to share your printer with other pc. So the best choice is to invest money for buying standalone printer server.


Freezing screen of computers

Freezing screen is one of the most irritating problems. Suppose, your are working on some important projects and suddenly computer stop responding, what will be your reaction? Answer will be definitely a negative one. The causes behind freezing screen can be complicated or simple. Sometime due to virus infection it occurs. So scanning with updated and good antivirus may help you to get out of this problem.


How to Select A local Computer Repair Company

How to select a local computer repair company?
Is your laptop running slow or some annoying pop ups come out now then. Scan your computer with latest version of antivirus you have installed in your computer. But, if you found that the problem is still there, then its time to call a computer repair company. You may consider a local computer repair company who can provide you onsite service. They send out technician at your door step. In this way your time will be saved.
Before hiring a computer repair company you need to consider following things.


How registry cleaning helps your computer

Registry cleaning has many benefits. It helps to ward off malwares, spywares and other security threats from your computer. But registry cleaning is not an easy task. this is an advanced step and solves many problems most of the time. But you need to be careful while doing this step. Just search google for registry cleaning software and you will find many. Download some good software and perform a registry scan, and fix the errors in registry. And then reboot your computer and you are done!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Error checking for speeding up computer

Error is done for good health of your hard drive.To speed up your computer you can do on a regular basis is performing ‘Error Checking’. With this system your OS checks for any errors that might have been present on your hard disk and then repairs them, this also removes any bad sectors that are caused when using of your computer. Most of the times the volume is in use and the check is done after a reboot.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to Restart crashed System

Steps to restart the crashed system

Mac is considered as Crashed or Frozen when the cursor stops working and the keyboard also cannot link up with your. Below are the few steps to resolve this problem.

1. Press the following keys simultaneously to quit the current application and save the work done in any applications except the running one, you can force-quit the current application, the keys are Command -> Option -> Escape. The unsaved task in the running application will be gone.
2. Try saving the work in all other applications.
3. Press the Power key or go to the shut down from start menu to restart your computer.
4. In case your start tab is not working, press the following keys: Command -> Option -> Shift -> Power. All your unsaved data will be lost.

How to get Technical Help online

What will you do when you are stuck with some problem on your computer and do not have any technical knowledge? Not to worry, you can go for the technical help online. No more phone calls to the customers care center just follow few steps to avail the technical help—

1. Go to a search engine such as Yahoo or Google.

2. In the search tab, type the keywords “online computer technical support.” Try different and specific keywords related to the problem you are looking for.

3. Start your search by pressing “enter” on your keyboard

4. Go to the site that suits your requirements the best from the roll of search results given by the search engine.

How to get Technical Help online

What will you do when you are stuck with some problem on your computer and do not have any technical knowledge? Not to worry, you can go for the technical help online. No more phone calls to the customers care center just follow few steps to avail the technical help—

1. Go to a search engine such as Yahoo or Google.

2. In the search tab, type the keywords “online computer technical support.” Try different and specific keywords related to the problem you are looking for.

3. Start your search by pressing “enter” on your keyboard

How to remove spyware and remove unwanted programs

Spyware are the online specters, which secretly take out all the confidential information from your computer. These spyware are not just harmful for your computer but also for the user browsing the internet. These spyware are sent by the hackers to get the confidential details from your computer such as the bank account details to steal your money.
Therefore, it is always advisable to use the anti-spyware to prevent your computer from this predicament. Still if any spyware attack your computer, do not panic. There are some possible ways to eradicate these from your PC. Beneath are some east to follow steps to remove thespyware from your PC-

Does Disk Defragmenter improves performance

For some time my computer was very slow and couldn’t perform the simplest operation. When I tried to open just one ordinary folder, it was known to last very long. I did not want to install a new OS, but I decided to solve this problem once and for all.

Fatal OE exceptions and VXD errors

Often our PC does not work properly, or how we believe it should. In my years of experience I have encountered many problems with my computer, mainly because it had Windows. After 10 years I passed to the Mac OS and I recently purchased a MacBook Pro. My problems are gone, but I am a network administrator and I’m still struggling with some unstable systems.

Two major causes of slow computer – Virus and unnessary programs

Last week i have experienced a big problem with my computer. The problem is it became damn slow. It was just irritating. I didn’t understood whats the root of the problem.

I bared it for almost three days and started searching all over the internet. then i got a solution, Actually i understood that many of the problems of our computer are caused due to damage of registry system. yes many of us even doesn’t know that many of the problems to our PC are caused due to registry failure itself.

How do Virus Enter Into Computer

Viruses enter in the form of a file downloaded and hence safeguard it by installing anyantivirus software and by keeping the firewall on. In the same way if a computer’s performance has drastically dropped, the soluion is press CTRL+ALT+DEL and check in the performance tab, it is always that the CPU usage level should at the maximum be 2% .
If a computer works very slow ,use the System Restore option. Select from control panel and restore it to various restoration points that are aavilable ,this process takes sometime and you get back your system as you had before .

Computer Problems are Hardware and Software

Computer is a combination of some hardware system and software system .So sometime it face some problem. such as virus, internet installation, boot problem, slow computer problem and any other problem .Last week I face a great problem in my computer .Virus delete all my important files from my computer. So it creates much problem for my working. Then I install a very powerful antivirus .After installation antivirus then i scan and rescan all of my drivers .Many virus was found and I deleted them very carefully .Now my computer is free from virus. And it works very well now.

Installing And scanning with Anti Virus Program fixed issue

My Computer is infected with virus and the solution is..

A virus is a program, in the sense that it is executable. Some viruses are actually entirely separate executable files, with a .com or .exe extension files. There are many free anti-virus programs that can be used to get rid of viruses, including AVG, Avast and Avira.

Registry problem solved using Advanced System Care (ASC) software

Few days back I had a problem with my computer. It was running quite slow and was giving a message that some of the .exe file was missing. It was flashing that message after every 10-15 minutes. Initially I thought that it might be due to a virus as my Anti-Virus software was not updated.

But it was actually registry problem. Then one of my friend told me to download a software called Advanced System Care (ASC). I downloaded a free version from a trusted website. It actually fix all the problems itself. It also scans for viruses in the computer and fix registry problems. I was quite amazed. The best part about it is that its very user-friendly software and requires a very less space in the hard-disk.

Power Supply wattage caused computer restart issue

When I was working with this new blog of mine a couple of months ago my computer suddenly restarts without valid reason. I noticed that each time I use my computer for about four to six hours it will boot or restart instantly! This problem continues for about a week.

How to upgrade your Notebook

Desktop computers have long been known to operate in terms of memory and disk space, but little is known about upgrading laptops.

First is the notebook itself. You need expansion slots for additional RAM sticks if you want to update memory. This can also be done by replacing the current bar of RAM, but this method is not viable.

To update a book plate fund must be removed. In doing so the laptop has no warranty so if you decide to upgrade your laptop, you must be willing to lose your warranty.

Reinstalling Windows 7 solved the problem

Computer consists of some hardware system and software system .So sometime it create some problem. such as virus, internet installation, boot problem, slow computer problem and any other problem .

Last week I face some problem in my computer .The problem of my computer is that it works very slowly .So it is very disturb able for my working. Then I install windows 7 again .Because some file of windows 7 are damaged .After installation windows 7 then i install a very good antivirus. Now my computer works so fast. And now I can work with my computer with very fast.

My experience with Virus on computers

It will be easy to say that my personal computer has faced problem with undaunted virus. Initially i thought it will easy to remove all the untanned files with the help of anti-virus software installed in my desktop. But it started acting suspiciously and not responding to any of my i thought the best way to format all the disks and delete all infected i try to check it out “what kind of virus it attacked my pc” and i came to conclusion “malware” is a general program and all kinds of trojan,worms all other similar programs and recently i came to know about differences of viruses activity that there main mission is spread and cause damage and some will spread and never activate.

How to use CCleaner to fix slow computer

How to fixed slow computer problem

Most of normal computer users have a common problem that their computer becomes slow day by day. Some day ago I consumption same problem. My pc did not start and shutdown quickly. I search in Google for this problem and found its cause and solution.

How to Remove trojans with Spy bot search and destroy

Hi,my name is David and I would like to share with you how I fixed my Windows machine. I had pop ups and it would take forever to load a page,even when the computer was not connected to the Internet.

I did some research and found a site called Spy bot search and destroy. I read all the instructions and started my computer in safe mode with networking,then connected to the Internet and then downloaded the program. After that I ran the program and found many problems like trojans,malware and a worm that kept rebuilding itself even after I deleted it.

Boot problem due to driver

Computer is a part of modern communication and society. Sometime I face some problems such as virus, internet installation, boot problem, slow computer problem in my computer. Last weak, I found a great problem in my computer. That was boot problem and It pained me lot. I was so much worried about that problem. I can not find out the problem first. First I think that problem was in my cd. So I changed that. But the real problem was in my driver. That was damaged. After changing my driver I solved my problem. And it works very well now.

Issue from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas game – gta.set

I was installing a game called Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (GTA-SA) on my PC. I got an installation disk and installed it. The installation completed without any hassles but the .exe file wouldn’t run. I tried using a crack file but that did not help. The screen would just blink if the .exe icon was clicked. I had installed the same game some months back and one fine day when it was working it ended abruptly.

Notebook provider solved slow computer issue

I have been using the Net for the past 7 to 8 years. Moreover, for the past couple of years I have been using the Internet on a daily basis. I use it mainly for online earning. The use of Internet has also given birth to various sorts of viruses that in no time can do ‘wonders’ in your PC. There might hardly be anyone, who has used the Internet and not succumbed to the viruses. A month ago, I was a victim of such an attack. My laptop seemed all right until it booted, but when I was ready to use it, it would act nasty. My new brand laptop of a reputed company, which was not even a couple months old, with a Core2Duo processor would act like a 486 type computer.

Slow Computer Problem – Reinstall Windows worked

I was facing slow computer problem on my personal computer from many days, i was not able to boot my computer faster and was not able to open any application in it, another problem was whenever i try to connect my internet through Firefox or Internet explorer it always gets restarted. That was getting head-ache for me, i installed few anti-viruses in my computer but i was failed to remove that problem.

How to remove Ahsan virus

“Computer Problems”

Almost every person in this world is aware of the existence of computer technology and many of them are using this great invention for different types of their work. A regular user of computer and especially the one who uses internet know that there are many viruses that affect our computer which are transmitted through different virus affected sites or the downloads we do.

How to remove Ahsan virus

“Computer Problems”

Almost every person in this world is aware of the existence of computer technology and many of them are using this great invention for different types of their work. A regular user of computer and especially the one who uses internet know that there are many viruses that affect our computer which are transmitted through different virus affected sites or the downloads we do.

Use revo uninstaller to uninstall any software

It is a common problem of the PCs running on windows operating system is that the computer become very slow after a few months of rough use.It is a disgusting job to install windows periodically.

Now I have a few great tools that helps me to keep my computer as faster as a new one even after a long time.

Expriencing problem while exploring social networks

This article written by one of the janata is too short. However, janatanews is still publishing it to let people know that browsing social network may create the problem as reported. It it not clear from the user the nature of the problem.

The review was written from common people or “janata” – who reported their problem with computers as part of their daily life deal with computers.

Virus Alert !!!!

This information arrived this morning, from Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who accesses the Internet.
You may receive an apparently harmless email with a PowerPoint presentation called “Life is beautiful.pps.”
If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately.

Virus Issue – Reformatting worked

1: problem i found:
problem what i had when virus came into my computer system
virus is very big problem for computer system when it cames into the computer system then it made the speed of sytem very slow.slow computer speed was the result of virus .after coming of virus the internet installation speed also became very also created boot problem.nothing was working properly.

When Virus Attack – System Restore worked

I am an freelance writer and i love writing on blogs. I used my computer everyday and it is part of my life already. When i was trying to download a movie to somewhat relax from the writing routine, i was bit dismayed to find out a virus attacking my system. Luckily that i somewhat have a anti virus but it was not totally able to stop the virus disturb my software. It hanged! I shut down my computer and then do a system restore so that to clear the latest download that i had done. I was thankful it worked and to avoid it to happen again, i downloaded a much updated anti virus for my computer.

Difference Between USB and Firewire

Firewire and USB, both are both fast bus used to connect devices that demand large amount of data in short time. A good example is connecting a video camera with computer.


Mechanically, a firewire cable will not insert to a USB socket or vice versa. Most computers support USB. If your device happens to have a firewire bus you must check if your computer supports it. A PCI card can be used to extend firewire bus in your computer.

Laptop Random Turn Off Issue

There can be many reasons why your laptop is turned off suddenly and randomly.
One of the causes may be that the AC power of the laptop adaptor is sometimes overloaded dude to power drain and when this happens the laptop is turned off. Or sometimes it is possible that the AC power adapter itself is faulty and is not able to meet the normal power needs of thelaptop itself, in this case you need to replace it with a good component.

PC Turning Off after certain period of time

The causes for the turning off of the PC or laptop might be that the processor of the laptop is getting heated overly this can be due to the accumulation of dust on the processor fan and the fan might have been clogged with dust preventing it to spin properly. Just dusting your processor fan might solve the problem if this is the case.

Coping with LCD Display Problems

In laptops and other portable devices and computers the video display problems are most common, for LCD screens the display problems occur once in a while, but that is no reason to worry as these problems can be solved very easily by following a few simple to follow instructions.

These instructions you can avail by searching over internet or by posting your problem in forums or message board related to computer troubleshooting. These kinds of forums are generally very helpful. However you have to note that these instructions are for basic troubleshooting of simple problems and for solving more complex problems you may see a technician especially if you have little knowledge of computer or you are not at all know about computer troubleshooting then I will suggest you to call experts.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dark LCD display is very dark , faint images?

The LCD display is very dark and why is it showing only faint images?

Well this is a very common problem on the notebooks and it happens over a period of time for many laptops. If that has happened to your notebook, do not panic.

Sometimes even when the laptop lid is open if the switch that is used to detect if the lid is open are close is stuck at the close position then it is possible that your image is very faint or completely blank, this is because most of the laptops display a blank screen or a very faint image that appears almost dark when the lid is closed, this is because they save power and the battery backup time is exceeded. Some laptops only do that when the laptop is running on battery power whereas some do it even when it is running on AC power.

Computer Monitor becomes white. What to do?

Your computer has white screen or the screen gets hazy.

If you face this problem then it is best to connect the laptop to an external CRT monitor by using the port that is provided on the side of the laptop. Now if the image is clear then you can understand that there is some problem with the LCD cable connection or the LCD display screen itself, in that case you need to replace the cable or the screen itself, for this you might need to visit a good technician.

What happens when liquid spill on your laptop?

When a liquid is split on laptop, there is usually no damage if it does not sips into the inside. If it does enter through the keyboard inside the notebook, there possibly is some issue.

The first thing to do is not to panic. You need to note that it is common problem and many people spill liquids on the laptops. In most cases the damage is not big and it is easily recoverable. One thing to note here is it is best if you can respond to the problem as early as possible.

Experience with installing dual boot

Hello, Then here are, I wanted to install linux on my computer in dual-boot with Windows xp only during redimensioning I had a problem and to repair it I had the good idea to move all the files of the partition on an external hard drive and to give it then to move the file for qu’ it go back in l’ ordre.’ I know, I will have défragmenter my hard drive for qu’ it moves the files). In short 3 or 4 files of configuration n’ could not be Remi on the partition. While launching l’ installation of linux, j’ put the routine of starting of kubuntu (grub) at the root for not qu’ he crushes the mbr and tattooing. J’ have then to copy grub to put it at the root of the Windows partition and to modify the boot.ini to be able to launch linux thanks to ntldr. The problem, c’ is that when I start again my computer I can neither launch linux nor to launch Windows.

Replacing LAN cards solved internet problem

We had this very persistent problem in the office where our internet connection suddenly disconnects. This problem has been bugging us for over 2 months. We, the IT department, performed every possible troubleshooting options but to no avail. We checked our cables, formatted all computers, replaced all RJ45s, replaced our router three times, and called our ISP provider and requested for a modem change, still, the problem keeps coming back. It has been puzzling us for a long time and I admit it was the worst problem we ever encountered. The only problem really is the internet cutting off although we still have network (we can share files, print on the print server, etc).">

Unlocker does not have a Virus or Security Issue ?

Overall the goals of this post are as follow:

Confirm that there is no virus, no trojan, no security risk whatsoever in Unlocker

Demonstrate that antivirus softwares find even more false positives in safe programs than in Unlocker.
Demonstrate that it is really easy to conceal any malware from the eyes of so called security solutions

False Positive Issue in Unlocker – Anti Virus does not work

Back from holidays, I discovered that my web host automated parsing discovered a false positive in some old unlocker installers and the last version 1.8.8, and therefore me being in holidays and not having a chance to respond, my website was taken down. Needless to say that there is no malware in Unlocker and there will never be, period.

Not able to explore hard disk

My problem was that I was unable to open any drive on my PC by double clicking on it I had to right click on drive and then have to click on explore to open any drive which was time consuming and unusual But I solved this problem by following this method as::-

● Open Start click Run and type cmd and press enter. Command prompt window will open On this window type these steps.
● Type cd/
● Type attrib -r -h -s
● Type del autorun.inf
● Now type d: and press enter for d: drive partition. Now repeat above steps for all your hard disk partition.

System Restore solved the problem of hacked computer

Computer problems are something very common and often occurs even if you have the best of anti viruses installed.

Some days back i was surfing a website and found a nice software and thought of installing it.After installing it,i found out that it was a hacking software created by brazilians and the effect it had was it was creating mutiple files in hard drive every second.

Slow Computer – Removing unused program solved problem

My PC was running very very slow. It took very long time to finish loading all the programs. When I open a program such as word processor it’s also running very slow. I almost come to conclusion that I have to reinstall everything.

After I check one by one I finally decided to remove some programs that are rarely used. After I remove some unimportant programs and restart my PC, its loading time is little faster than before. After that I tried to remove a lot of startup programs from system configuration utility (msconfig) menu and then I restart my PC again. This time my PC boot time back to normal again.

Deleting old data solved the problem.

when i was playing games in my computer it was shutting down automatically, I don’t know what is the reason, after few days i opened my mailbox in gmail account the computer once again logged off.Then i realized that there is a serious problem in my computer system. Then i asked my friend to gave some kind of solution for this problems . He told me that he has a solution but it will delete all the old data from the system.i told that i don’t need that old datas.Then he reinstall the system.After few minutes the computer is working .

Slow computer – too many files – tune up application

Three weeks ago or so I’ve noticed that my laptop (which is just ten months old) is getting slower when it is to open some heavy sites. I usually use Firefox for browsing the web so I’ve done updates to 3.6. in order to fix this. But it hasn’t helped. I was bit surprised but I’ve continued to work as usual hoping that machine will fix itself with its own diagnostics. However, this slow performance continued.

I am poor family please help me

We get yet another response when we asked people to post their problem with the issue of the computer repair. Each person was to be paid for writing the review and experience on the computer repair. Here is what we received from one person.

Computer Slowdown and Disk Defragmenter

Computer slows down over time because of some factors. Storage of unnecessary files,registry entries and fragments make the PC slower. To speed up the PC it is required to clean up those files regularly. Some programs do it automatically. Some days ago I felt this problem and get solution using a simple free software called Smart Defragmenter.

5 Ways to speed up your PC

I am writing this as many people find their PC slugging. I hope after reading this article they will know how to increase your computer speed. Read on …

Despite the advancements of your modern electronic gadgets or equipments at home, regular maintenance and upgrading is crucial to ensure that it functions optimally. One of the biggest issues that PC owners face is in terms of the speed of their computer’s performance, especially when performing commands, functions, and accessing data.

There are five basic steps you can use to ensure that you can resolve this problem efficiently.

Install wireless network

In order to connect to the internet from your home via a wireless network, you need to follow a long but efficient process. You must begin by researching on which vendor you should purchase the hardware from, which is probably the single most important decision you would have to make on how to setup secure wireless network. Make sure to go for a home based networking system that provides all the features you need from a wireless router or access point.

XP Antispyware 2010

XP Antispyware 2010 is a virus that looks like an antispyware program but its actually completely fake. People are being mistaken as they think that they have installed this program but beware of it as it is a completely fake application generated by Trojan.

As soon as you recognize that your computer has been affected by this deadly virus please make sure that you remove this virus as soon as possible. These kinds of viruses are very deadly as they immediately affect all the important things that are in the system like the registry, the task manager and the group policy items making it very difficult for you to administer your computer as the administrative programs will not run properly.

Router and How to install Router

We define a router as a device in a computer network that calculates 'route path'. A router forwards the data packets to the right destination, according to the addresses that requested the packets. The calculated 'route path' is the shortest distance in which the data packet is efficiently forwarded by therouter. The work that is done by the router in a computer network is called routing.

Common Computer Problems and How To Resolve Them

Anyone whose owned a PC has encountered any one of the most common computer problems. Any electronic device will eventually encounter various types of errors and start to crash, especially when it is infected by virus. But if you want to make the most out of your PC, it is important to understand basic troubleshooting methods to address commoncomputer problems.

Install wireless network

In order to connect to the internet from your home via a wireless network, you need to follow a long but efficient process. You must begin by researching on which vendor you should purchase the hardware from, which is probably the single most important decision you would have to make on how to setup secure wireless network. Make sure to go for a home based networking system that provides all the features you need from a wireless router or access point.

Firewire and USB Technology

Firewire is a high-speed bus technology similar to USB (Universal Serial Bus) that is used to connect multiple devices to a computer. Both of the two technologies are distinguished and there is no direct way to connect a USB device to a Firewire port as they are not integrated. There is a single manufacturer which provides an adapter cable which can be used to connect a USB to Firewire and transfer the digital videos but being a monopoly, the adapter could be too expensive or even difficult to find in the market

Common Computer Problems and How To Resolve Them

Have you noticed the default browser or search engine changed? This particular problem is known as "hacking", which happens when a spyware is automatically installed on your computer from a website you have visited. The spyware therefore automatically installs a javascript on your web browser that makes these changes possible. Therefore, you need to install an effective anti-spyware program to eliminate the existing spyware and to protect your computer from further damage that could result from it.

Windows 7 Automatic Shut Down problem

Have you ever come across a very strange problem in your Windows 7 Operating System? Have you ever faced a situation where the Windows 7 shuts down automatically and then restarts? This problem has come up recently and is prevalent in all the versions of Windows including the Windows 7. So, how do you deal with it? There are a number of ways to deal with this strange problem of Windows 7 automatic shut down but first of all you should try to know the root cause of the problem. What is it that is causing the system to restart again and again? Interestingly, there can be many system errors that might be causing the system shut down and restart problem.

Effective Ways to Speed up Your PC

ust like any other modern electronic gadgets, your PC needs constant upgrading and maintenance to ensure that it remains fully functional. One of the most common issues that owners encounter with their PC at home is ensuring that it runs smoothly and at a speedy rate when performing basic functions and commands. But did you know that it is possible to remedy this problem, especially for Vista, XP Service Pack 3, and Windows 7 computers?

Solving non responding program issue in Windows XP

Sometimes programs stop responding completely and this may is pretty much similar to a screen freeze but just it happens
when you are running a particular program. There is no issue with other programs.

The solution to this problem is to use the 'Ctrl, Alt, Del', click on start a tack manager and choose the non responsive program . Hit the end buttons simultaneously end the unresponsive programs immediately. In few seconds everything should be back to normal

How to fix Blue Screen of death

Blue screen of death computer usually signals some hardware issue, but occasionally can be a software or driver issue. It is possible that the blue screen appears only once and then never recurs again. If the blue screen of death keeps appearing, it needs to be fixed.

This blue screen of death error occurs when IS finds a serious problem and is unable to recover from its. The OS halts operations and it displays diagnostic message on the blue screen.

How to keep your computer free from Virus and Spyware

Prevention is the best mechanism and you must take all the steps to keep your computer running. Here are few things you can do to keep your computer away from Spyware and Virus.

* Firewall - A firewall sits between your computer and the internet. It can be a hardware device or a software device. Its basic function is allows only certain types of from outside of your computer to inside of your computer. It prevents unauthorized access to your computer. Note that if you are using a high speed internet your computer is more vulnerable. Check put on internet how to turn your firewall on.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Questions and Answers

Q1. Which one is a more accurate method of analyzing clock and data signal relations.

A. Time of propagation of clock and data signal
B. Distance on PCB of clock and data signal

Q2. In a design, timing between the clock and data signal is required to be matched. Clock signal is routed in stripline and data signal is routed in microstrip. Then

A. The clock signal will have smaller length
B. The data signal will have smaller length
C. Both clock and data signals will be equal

Answer and Explanations
1. A, the receiver IC seed the timing difference. Although as a PCB designer we will work primarily on distance
2. A, Signal travels slower in stripline and requires smaller length.


Tom and Bob

Tom – You mentioned ISI in answer to my previous question. What is Inter Symbol Interference (ISI).

Bob - Tom, I think that the best way to understand a concept is by picture. So, I am presenting you two pictures and I will let you find the difference between them.

Length Matching examples - PCI Bus Clocks

Clocks to all PCI devices in a system are typically generated from a clock multiplier like Texas Instruments’ CDCV304PW. A typical PCI bus clock implementation has a clock oscillator going to the input of a clock multiplier. The clock multiplier typically gives out 4 outputs. These four outputs go to the 4 PCI devices. The length of these clock nets are required to be matched.


Most modern commercial PCB design softwares have capability to set length matching or flight time matching ability inside the software. The software will flag a DRC error if the matching rule is violated. The software requires you to create a group of signal or create a matching pair and mention the allowed length or time mismatch. If the PCB design software provides these features we must avail of the opportunity. The advantage of this method is that we need to work only one time to define the constraints. If there is a change in the routing, we just need to run the DRC (Design Rule Check).

Common Clock Vs Source Synchronous Clock Scheme

Clocking schemes for triggering data signals fall in two broad categories – common clock scheme and the synchronous clock scheme. In common clock scheme, the clock is generated from a single source and goes to the transmitter IC as well as the receiver IC. The clock source is usually a clock multiplier, but it can be part of a processor or it can be a single clock oscillator with two traces going out from it. The figure below shows the common clock scheme. This type of clock is used in, for example, PCI Bus.

Adding Delay Intentionally

It is often desirable to add or reduce delay to a clock line with respect to a data line to improve the timing margins. In such case, instead or purposely minimizing skew, we change our objective to add additional delay in the clock line with respect to the data line. To be able to do this we must have a good understanding of the set up and hold timing models of the receiver section of the circuit. We should also have an understanding of the timing relationship at the driver side. If the simulation shows an improvement in the timing margin by use of clock or data line delay adjustment, we can implement it at the PCB design level.

Time and Distance

Setup and hold time is useful for chip designers and simulation engineers. As PCB designers, we need to finally measure the things in terms of the length of the trace that travel on the PCB.

The electric signals are electromagnetic wave and their speed of propagation depends upon the dielectric constant of the material surrounding it. The Formula for the speed of propagation is .

Timing Relationship between Signals

If you have already designed some high speed PCBs or if you have been involved in some way in high speed PCB design, you must have come across design rules that require the difference in the length of the PCB trace to be within a specified limit.
These rules are often results of the relation between the clock and data signal timing. There is a timing window in which the data must arrive at the rising edge or falling edge of the clock. If the data arrives too early and goes away or if it arrives too late it is of no use.
Let us take some time to understand the concept of the setup and hold time and see how we can ensure its proper implementation at the PCB level.


Tom and Bob

As part of the book, I will be covering the conversation between Tom and Bob. Tom is a novice PCB designer willing to learn about Signal Integrity. He does not think much before asking a question. Some times he poses intelligent question. Sometime he irritates Bob with his question. But Bob has patience.

Periodic Waves and Fourier Transform

A perfectly sinusoidal clock or signal seldom happens in real world. We encounter square waves, sawtooth waves, deteriorated square waves. Cycle after cycle, these waves repeat the same pattern. In other words, the instantaneous value of these waves is same after some fixed amount of period. These waveforms are called periodic waves. The fixed amount of time after which the signal repeats is called period of the wave.

Knee Frequency

n analyzing high speed digital signals, many factors depend upon the frequency of the signal. This includes, for example, the value of the impedance of the capacitance, signal path loss. Knee frequency is an estimate of the highest frequency content of the signal. It depends upon the rise time of the signal. If the rise time is smaller, the highest frequency content will have higher frequency. If t denotes the 10% to 90% rise time of a signal, then an estimate for the highest frequency content of the signal or the knee frequency is given by

PCB Design for High Speed

As a PCB Designer you need to alter your habits a little bit, if you want your board to work for high speed.

As soon as you receive the board from the designer you need to stop and spend some time on the signal integrity aspect of the design. This may mean that you will have to spend some extra time on your already long list of tasks of creating footprints, maintaining library, doing placement, doing routing, maintaining revisions, generating gerber files and creating documentation.

Electromagnetic Radiation

The PCB traces and ICs carrying the high speed signal can be source of radiation. A high edge rate causes more chances of signal radiation. Traces that are not adequately terminated lead to more reflection and higher emission. The clock oscillators are major sources of radiation. The radiation pattern observed in a spectrum analyzer shows frequencies that are usually a multiple or harmonics of clock oscillators used in design.